Heart Stoppingly Good Japanese Sun Scarf with Antique Japanese Boro

Heart Stoppingly Good Japanese Sun Scarf with Antique Japanese Boro


Good Laura! Look at all of the photos here! I couldn’t decide which ones to leave out, so I put them all in!

This beauty, let me tell you. She is the most luxurious thing ever. A motley of textiles convene here: A large swathe of Antique Japanese indigo dyed katazome that has several areas of original boro repair as well as new repair that I contributed to prolong her journey on our planet, a bit of organic sulphur linen, an organic striped natural and black bit of linen and a gorgeous organic natural linen with a particularly large rust-dyed Japanese sun. This is part of my new Japanese Sun collection, and she will indeed be flitting around this shop, dazzling everyone with her golden splendor.

Hand dyed, hand stitching throughout, all organic textiles. 72” L x 16” W. Thaaaannnk yoooouuu for choosing my shop. Of all the places you could have gone, you came here, and I appreciate that. xo.

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